Monday, July 13, 2009

Lake Blanche...but not Dorothy, Rose or Sophia

Soooooo, we hiked to Lake Blanche on Saturday and it was beautiful! Seriously! It took us about 4 hours (about a 6 mile hike). Anyway, here's what we looked like at the trail head:
(Matt's wondering if the guy that offered to take the picture is going to run off with the camera...)

So all along the first mile of the trail there are rapids/falls - so even though it was hot wasn't so bad:

The trail really varied along the way. Sometimes there were a lot of leaves (almost smacking you in the face):
Other times there were clear and obvious signs to tell you where you were:
Then other times, there were flowers:
But then there would be a whole bunch of rocks you had to climb up and around to find the path:
(I'm not going to was a little scary at times!)

Anyway, during our hike, sometimes I would lead and sometimes Matt would lead. Here's what I did when Matt was leading:
(Matt had no idea :)

Other times, I took pictures of all of the flowers:

After a while, we reached a lookout point...and realized we really are very good at putting the camera on a rock and setting up the timer:
So we did it again when we finally got to the top (Lake Blanche, remember?:
The peak at the top is called Sun Dial Peak...apparently you can tell time using it. We brought our watches though, so we didn't need to:
So once we got up there, we walked around the lake, had a snack and skipped some rocks:
There was another lake too, just on the other side:
It's so ugly here, isn't it?

Finally, we took some pictures... just for good measure:

The end :)


EStackDavis said...

COOL! Ridiculously lovely--the view, the flowers, the people. Looks like you're having fun in between residency life :)
- EDavis

EStackDavis said...

also, I just got the Golden Girls reference. Didn't realize you were a fan...?

Audrey said...

I love the Golden Girls :) Who doesn't? Does it show my age when I say things like this?