Saturday, October 4, 2008

Driving Out West

Ooooo...this is my first post! I've never done this before, so if the stuff I post looks weird...BACK OFF! Just kidding...or am I? :) Oooo and before I forget, it will probably be a little much to put up all of the pictures on this blog, so I started a Flickr account to put all of them up: and I'll try to keep it updated too!

Anyway, we left for our westward trip on Tuesday evening. Matty & I finished moving me out of my apartment on Tuesday morning and my Dad and I signed all of the necessary paperwork to make me homeless. Then, after taking care of Wayne business and scheduling some more interviews (yay!) we headed to Jackson (Matt's hometown) to drop off his car and get on the road. We probably got on the road around 5:30 p.m. and were able to get all the way to Davenport, Iowa (sweet) before stopping for the night.

We ended up spending our first night in a luxurious Baymont Inn in downtown Davenport...just kidding...there is no such thing as a downtown :) Our hotel selection though, was no small feat. During our trip, when not driving, I spent lots of time on the phone with Jess & Bob (my sister & her husband) while they read me reviews from I would look up in my AAA book. Our choice came down to a Super 8 Motel (described by one reviewer as 'infested with bugs') or a Baymont Inn (which Jess said looked less buggy from the pictures she could see). The Baymont (or Mr. Belmont, as I like to call it) was fine though (I only thought of bed bugs a few times) and we got up and on the road the next morning by 9er.

Here's what we look like on the road...can you see how packed the Civic is?

This is what Iowa looks like.

So, we ended up filling up for the first time in Iowa (Civics rock). And, as Matt is pointing out, 10% of the gas you pump in Iowa is ethanol. We actually got a little worried at first, and Matt called me out of the car when he saw this. So, I went into the station, talked to the lady at the register (who was unamused) and she told me, "This is Iowa. We grow corn and need something to do with it." Alrighty then...

Apparently, the US has a lot of windmills...who knew?

I learned first hand that Nebraska is west of Iowa...and that Nebraska has some weird stuff in it. Khoi would agree...

We actually made it to Cheyenne, Wyoming, on the 2nd night. With little to no cell phone reception during the day (thank you Sprint), it was difficult to have my review session on with Jess & Bob. They ended up doing the research and trying to text us hotel names...but then I ended up calling (where you pay for a hotel without knowing the name/exact location). I've used it before and we ended up at Holiday Inn that was the same price of the badly reviewed Super 8 like hotels in the area...awesome! P.S. Thanks Jess & Bob for all of your help!

Wyoming is wickedly wide and kinda boring.

Here's what we look like driving on the third day.

The Hills Have Eyes (a scary movie I refuse to watch) is about a tiny town in an area like this where the people (deformed from a nuclear accident) trap anyone who comes through the town either to kill them or keep them forever. Since this was the only bathroom break (according to Garmin) in a 60 mile radius, we tried it. Kinda scary...

As you get closer to Utah, things get more interesting.

All along Nebraska, Wyoming and Utah, there are these big wooden fences in the middle of fields (not connected to anything or eachother). Matt says there to keep snow from drifting...but sometimes Matt makes things up to see if I will believe them. Usually I do. Anyway, I climbed one of them.

Did we not tell you that we would put a lot of these up? It's our signature pose!

A true truck stop has everything: fried chicken, sandwiches, antenna for your truck, clothes, snacks, TVs, DVDs, navigation systems and HUGE TRUCK DRIVERS. We Love's us some truck stops...

Guess who made it to Utah!!!

Mountains and tunnels through mountains.
Utah is pretty ugly...nothing to look at.

The Utah Welcome Center!


bubbad said...

I like that matt instantly had man growth on his face the second he arrived in utah. What a manly state.

Anonymous said...

Dad and I are just glad you made it out there! Keep the pictures coming! And shave, please....:)